Story Potato

A place where stories inspire curiosity and enhances language learning

Online Learning, Little Student Girl Learning Language Remotely with an English Teacher


  • Stories are engaging
  • Stories stimulate imagination
  • Stories build empathy
  • Stories build phonological awareness
  • Stories build listening & literacy skills
  • Stories provide context for new language
  • Stories enrich vocabualry and improve grammatical structure

Story Playground

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A good story can stimulate student's interest to participate and learn as well as help them retain the knowledge.

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Vocabulary and grammar

Each lesson will teach a wide range of vocabulary and grammar patterns from the story.

Kid learning to read. Phonics flash cards.
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Phonics knowledge will be taught based on the student's needs.

Asian Girl Student Online Learning Class Study Online Video Call
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Fun activities

Interactive activities such as role-play, action songs, puppetry, discussions, creative story-telling and word games will be designed based on each student's language ability.

School Supplies on a Desk
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Follow-up activities

The teacher will assign tasks or written exercises for the student based on their needs.

English Conversation Course

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Happy Child Playing at Home
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Conversation Starters

Using fun visual or audio, the teacher engages the student to express their opinion or share their experience.


Each lesson will focus on a specific topic or scenario. The teacher will lead the student to brainstorm relevant information and teach them new vocabulary


After learning the relevant infromation and vocabulary, the teacher will lead the student to role-play a scenario together.

Why story potato?

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Qualified teacher

Our teachers are qualified with both a TEFL certificate and a diploma in teaching from recognized universities in the UK.

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Private lessons are charged at very affordable rates. Parents may choose from two 25 minutes lessons per week or one 50 minutes lesson per week.

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Flexible curriculum

We understand that students have different needs and we are committed to communicate with parents regularly to discuss learning goals. The curriculum will be adjusted accrodingly to their needs.

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Person Throwing Confetti